My Hero: Anne Frank

Anne Frank wrote the first entry of her diary, which was addressed to an imagined friend named “kitty”: “I hope that I can confide all to you because I have never felt comfortable telling anyone about my life. And I hope you are a source for comfort and strength.”

Anne’s parents and other Jewish neighbors who lived in the Annex secret did not venture outside for two years. She filled in her journal with detailed entries every day to pass time. It would take extreme patience to get the eight family members to move around from 8:30am until 6:30pm.

Anne Frank is an inspiration to me for a number of reasons. She had a strong personality, which allowed her to be brave in the face of danger. The ability to listen in bed as sirens sounded, removing friends and families, and hearing bombs explode, while war was raging around her, proved that she was a very brave young woman. The fact that she managed to do all that while still living a’semi normal’ life is a testament to her bravery.

She always saw the positive side of things. She was a person who always looked on the bright side of life, even in hiding. She has a great influence on me because she is a hero to me. She was patient, optimistic, strong, and unselfish. For many, she is a role model.

Diana, an attractive young teacher, married Prince Charles 37 years back. The British Monarchy entered a new era, as the old traditions and lifeless personages were swept away. People were delighted to see the princess attend her official duties, displaying grace and style that contrasted with the formal approach taken by other royal family members.

Media reported on their conflict when the marriage of Prince Charles to Diana started to show cracks. In 1996, world’s most famous divorce ended. Diana supported William’s and Harry’s welfare and helped raise awareness about homelessness. She devoted her efforts to the global threat of landmines.


  • tommysutton

    Tommy Sutton is a 26-year-old education blogger and teacher. He has been blogging about education since 2013 and has written for a number of popular education websites.