Digging Up The Past

Anorexia Nervosa can be a mental disease, eating disorder or a life-threatening illness. People who suffer from this condition often do not get enough nutrition to sustain their bodies. It can cause people to become preoccupied with the idea that they’re overweight when, in reality, they’re underweight. Anorexia Nervosa patients starve their bodies and don’t get enough nutrients to keep them healthy. Anorexia can manifest in many ways. There are many signs and symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa.

This essay explains how to prevent or solve the Anorexia Nervosa, a mental disorder that causes people to lose weight dramatically and have serious dieting problems (Helpguide). Preventative measures include: promoting healthy attitudes about yourself and others (WebMD), cognitive behavioral therapy (Good Therapy) or eating a balanced diet (NEDA). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the method most likely to be effective. The economic and moral factors are also involved.

First, promote healthy views about yourself and other people. This method involves encouraging Anorexics – especially children – to view themselves positively and their bodies. This method promotes healthy opinions of oneself and others. It basically tells a child or adult to never criticize their appearance. Negative comments can worsen anorexics’ self-esteem (NEDA). This method has been effective in encouraging people from all over the globe to change. In order to overcome their eating disorders, the people affected were encouraged to become more confident in themselves. The solution shouldn’t cause any further problems.

This method has a connection to both the ethical and moral aspects. This method is based on the ethical factor. Anorexics might think the encouragements they receive are just a joke. It also has a moral component, as people can decide whether this is the right solution for their life (WebMD). These factors will therefore make it difficult for some people to use this method, especially if they are unwilling to accept compliments. But those who want to be encouraged will be positively affected.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as Good Therapy, is the second method to prevent or cure Anorexia. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is a form of psychological treatment. During treatment, a therapist will attempt to fully understand a patient’s thoughts and emotions regarding their Anorexia Neurosa condition. The therapist focuses on helping the patient to improve their eating habits. The Ranch has seen this method used on many anorexic patients with positive results. This method is also safe, as it encourages people to think better about themselves by using psychological therapy.

This method relates to both the moral and economic factors. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is related to economic factors. The price range is?40 -?100, or approximately Rs. 4,000- Rs. The cost of therapy can vary from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 10,000 (NHS Choices) depending on its quality. The moral element is also relevant, as people have a choice whether to attend a therapy session or not. These factors can be a barrier to this method for those who do not have the money to spend and those who don’t want to go to therapy.

Eating a balanced diet is the third way to prevent or cure Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexics are prone to eating poorly or in small quantities because they perceive themselves as overweight. HowStuffWorks says that the average adult should consume 2,000 calories per day through a balanced diet. By following this system, one can be healthier by eating three healthy/balanced dinners per day. This method should help a person suffering from Anorexia Nervosa to look healthier and feel better overall. This method shouldn’t cause any issues.

This method is based on the moral and ethical factors. Eating a well-balanced meal has an ethical component. Anorexics could vomit after consuming a balanced food. The nutrition in the balanced and healthy meal will be wasted by the body of the Anorexic person (Helpguide). The moral aspect is also involved, as it is up to each individual to decide whether or not they wish to consume at least 2,000 calorie balanced meals per day. (HowStuffWorks). It is because of this ethical issue that some people will not be interested in using this method, even though it involves eating a well-balanced and healthy meal. This method will be a barrier to those who are against eating a lot, even if it is a healthy and balanced meal.

According to my research I believe that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be the most efficient and effective method of treating or preventing Anorexia Nervosa. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a psychological treatment, focuses on helping the patient to change their bad eating habits. This method works best as it concentrates on helping the Anorexic patients through professional assistance, in this instance psychological therapy. This method is not without its disadvantages, however. These include the moral and economic implications. This Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the best method to prevent or cure Anorexia Nervosa.


  • tommysutton

    Tommy Sutton is a 26-year-old education blogger and teacher. He has been blogging about education since 2013 and has written for a number of popular education websites.